Mission & Background
Greater Hazleton Joint Sewer AuthorityThe Mission
To operate the GHJSA Sewage Disposal System efficiently and effectively to produce the cleanest possible treated wastewater discharge into the environment at the least possible cost to the ratepayers; to provide the highest level of service to GHJSA customers through maintenance and upgrade of the sewage collection system; and to provide friendly, reliable customer service in all functions of the administrative and billing offices.
Complete and Maintain
A comprehensive plan for the sewer facilities in the service area that identifies and prioritizes needed facilities.
Develop and Maintain
Long-range planning to insure there are adequate wastewater transportation and treatment systems consisting of major interceptors, pumping facilities and treatment works for the service area.
Develop and Implement
A financial plan for the construction, operation and maintenance of needed facilities that is as fair and equitable as possible.
Accept the Responsibility
For construction and/or adoption of other facilities to enhance sanitary sewer services, maintain compliance with current and future Federal and State regulations, and reduce the overall cost for the greater good of the citizens within the service area.
Construct, Operate and Maintain
All facilities so that the environment is protected and water quality is maintained and/or improved.
Maintain a Program
For the acceptance of liquid hauled waste to generate revenue from outside the GHJSA service area for the purpose of supplementing and ultimately reducing fees of GHJSA Residential, Commercial, and Industrial sewer customers within the service area.

The Background
The Greater Hazleton Joint Sewer Authority (GHJSA) is a body corporate and politic, incorporated in 1961, organized under the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Act (Act 22 of 2001), as amended and supplemented. The GHJSA was organized pursuant to ordinances duly enacted by the City of Hazleton, Borough of West Hazleton, and Township of Hazle, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. The GHJSA is empowered, among other things, to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain, own, operate, and lease as lessor or lessee, sewers, sewer systems, or parts thereof, sewage treatment works, including the necessary and related buildings, sites, and rights-of-way. The GHJSA currently operates a Sewage Disposal System consisting of a sewage treatment plant, sewage conveyance system, and sewage collection system (in Hazleton City and West Hazleton Borough only), which provides collection, transportation, and treatment of sewage within the Greater Hazleton area.
Get in touch with The Greater Hazleton Joint Sewer Authority, today.